DIY Vintage Doily Table Runner

I was recently up in Portland visiting my mom and she was showing me all of her vintage lace and doilies and I fell in love. She gave them to me and I was initially going to use all of them on pillow cases but when I got home and laid it out I thought it would look amazing as a table runner on some faux suede blocks my mom also gifted me. I am still a very new sewer so please forgive my poor sewing terminology (and uneven seams). 

First I laid out all the blocks to make sure all of them were cut evenly, pinned the seams, and then I sewed all of them together and finished off the bordering seams. 

Then I carefully hand tacked all of the doilies on the table runner so I would not damage them. 

It still felt unfinished so I added vintage fringe on both ends. I really love how it turned out!

P.S. I ended up making a pillow case too! 

Thanks for reading!


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