How blogging helped me get over postpartum “Mom funk”

Motherhood is one of the most beautiful part of life. It is also one of the most challenging things you’ll ever do. You seem to go into auto pilot and the only important thing is taking care of your baby. It took about ten months after having my son before I started feeling normal again, but it wasn’t until I started my blog that I really felt back to myself.

I started my blog because my daughter started reading a book I had started writing and wanted me to finish it. I hadn’t written anything in so long and didn’t know where to start, so I started my blog. I found that I had lots of random thoughts and ideas that were fun to write about. It encouraged me to be more creative by making things that I could blog about too.

Once I had a few posts on my blog I started an Instagram account to get traffic. Instagram has taught me to enjoy the beautiful things around me. I find myself staging random things around me. It has taught me to live beautifully.

I decided in January that I wanted to start being healthier and working out every day. I started posting my weekly workouts that I found on YouTube and to my surprise, people were actually looking at them. My “Workout With Me” posts have now become my most popular! It is so encouraging to see people viewing and the support I get online. The weekly workout posts have also helped to keep myself accountable.

Blogging has changed my life for the better. By being my personal journal and creative outlet, I finally feel like myself again... but even better.

Did you have "mom funk" after having a baby? How did you get back to your normal self? 



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