How to Live Minimally

Ever since I was a kid I have struggled with anxiety. It has come and gone throughout the years. Over time I have learned ways to keep my anxiety at bay. One of those ways is to live minimally.

I had never thought I would someday be a minimalist. When we downsized from our apartment in Portland to the one we had in Independence, I had to get rid of a lot of stuff. It was so therapeutic to let go of the past to make room for the new chapter in our lives. I’m not going to lie, it was hard at first. But when we moved in and we weren’t being suffocated by useless things, I was thankful.

Stop Buying Things You Don’t Need 

I am now very conscious about what I buy and bring home. Before buying something, I ask myself: Do we really need it? Is it necessary? Is it something I love? If I answer yes to any of these then I will probably get it, only after looking online to see if I can get it cheaper. If it’s expensive then I wait and think about it. If I still think we need it I will buy it or wait until it’s on sale to buy it. This method has helped me with saving money, which in turn helps with stress.

A good example is Costco. My husband LOVES to shop there. I find though that it’s easy to get carried away and buy things that you really don’t need, like a collapsible laundry basket. Unless you live in a tiny house, you will probably be just fine with the laundry basket you already own.

It’s Ok to Get Rid of “Keepsakes”

While I was getting rid of things I noticed how so much of it had a negative memory associated with it. I realized I had only kept it because I felt like I was supposed to keep it. I feel like society teaches us to hold on to memories, even bad ones, a little too tight. I have learned however, that letting go and moving on is the healthiest thing I can do. Nobody needs reminders of events that brought sadness. If you notice something and for some reason it brings up a painful memory then get rid of it!

I will say this though, do not go crazy! Getting rid of things can become addicting. Be sure not to get rid of anything that might be special to you such as gifts and books from family.

Clean House- Clear Mind

Living with less things also means that your house will stay cleaner. When my home is clean I feel at my best. I am able to focus more and increase my productivity.

Capsule Closet

One of my favorite parts of living minimally are capsule closets! If you don’t know what they are, you need to search Pinterest right now. The best part is that a capsule closet makes getting dressed stress-free because everything matches.

Thanks for reading!


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